Urgent Needs Fund: Results
The stronger the sense of connection, the more resilient the community. In challenging times our most vulnerable can fall through the cracks. We want to help make sure everyone in our community is supported.
Funded Programs: Through the United Way Urgent Need Fund
To see if these programs & services can help you, call 211

Addressing food insecurity through Community Table food hamper program and emergency funding to help individuals suffering loss of income.
165 Food Hampers delivered per week

Researching needs of rural hospitals, medical clinics, long term care facilities and frontline health-care workers in Huron arising from COVID-19.

$18,802 to the Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre to purchase added food, helping Perth and Huron food banks meet increased demand.
Supporting 26 Food Banks

Counselling services to support the mental health and well-being of small business owners and entrepreneurs in Stratford, St. Marys and Perth County.
26 people have accessed counselling by May

Connecting local residents virtually; including seniors, people with mental health and addiction issues, youth, LGBTQ2S+, newcomers and women.

Funding to help deliver meals to seniors and those with mobility and health challenges through the Huron-Perth ‘Meals on Wheels’ program.
1,142 Meal delivered by May

Funding for technology to deliver reintegration planning services remotely for those in conflict with the law.

Providing funds for groceries through Social Services in Perth and Huron.

Improving technology to provide remote services and purchasing PPE’s for in-person service to maintain homelessness prevention for youth.

Supporting purchase of tablets to loan to clients who need for schoolwork, applying for assistance and ordering food during physical distancing measures.
10 Families have borrowed tablets

Improving technology to continue delivering at-home services to seniors and persons with disabilities.
Connected with 91 Seniors in April

The Social Research and Planning Council with the University of Guelph is launching a Huron Perth community research effort: Stronger Together: Building Resiliency in Huron Perth in response to COVID-19.

Increase 211 local awareness. To help connect newly vulnerable people that need help during the Covid 19 crisis with local service providers.

Community Connection
Funds for Comfort Kits for individuals experiencing isolation and loneliness.

Funds received to purchase wi-fi connectable technology for those in need.
Additional Actions
We’re working with community partners and frontline agencies ensuring that as agencies respond to COVID-19 needs
records are kept up-to-date within the 2-1-1 database. Locally we have made 705 updates.
There are amazing people rallying to support others and they need our help too. United Way Perth-Huron launched the helpdolocalgood.ca portal and a Facebook group in partnership with municipalities and local libraries to: (1) provide and maintain valid and credible resources and (2) connect volunteers to those needing help
Hosting weekly virtual meetings for regional social service agencies to provide a forum for connection, collaboration and problem solving. 40 non-profit participate.
The Executive Director and Social Research and Planning Council staff providing expert advice when decisions and challenges arise in the social service sector.
Helping Seniors
United Way Perth-Huron has issued grants totaling over $50,000 to agencies in Perth and Huron Counties on behalf of United Way Centraide Canada and funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.
The focus is on vulnerable seniors (55+) impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic including, but not limited to, seniors living on low or fixed incomes, those with compromised health, and those who are isolated from family, friends and community as well as caregivers.
Seniors are worried about being isolated from their community, getting their hot meals delivered, filling their prescriptions, doing their shopping or seeing their doctors. They are also concerned about being alone and even more isolated in their homes during this pandemic. This fund will provide urgent funds to help ensure they have the supports they need.
About the New Horizons for Seniors Program
The New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) provides grants and contributions for projects helping improve the well-being of seniors and fostering their social inclusion. To provide immediate essential services to seniors impacted by COVID-19, the Government of Canada is providing $9 million under the NHSP to be distributed through the United Way Canada network. Funds will help organizations supporting seniors dealing with the impact of COVID-19.

Subsidized Respite Services
Funds to help provide subsidized respite services in the home to help prevent caregiver burnout. ONE CARE Home & Community Support Service.
270 hours of subsidized respite to help support care providers

Community Meals
Funds to subsidize and deliver affordable home-style meals to older adult residents. Town of St. Marys.
1,368 subsidized grocery/meal deliveries made to seniors

Mobile Food Bank
Funds to purchase food —serving over 100 households in four communities each month. Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre.
8,043 lbs. of nutritious food provided to seniors

Meal Delivery
Funds to provide delivery of meals to clients and caregivers. VON Canada Perth Huron.
133 care packages, meals and gift cards provided

Grocery Shopping
Funds to assist with subsidies or provide access to food. Town of St. Marys.
1,368 subsidized grocery/meal deliveries made to seniors

Food Delivery Costs
Funds to cover delivery cost for approximately 2,000 seniors with compromised health. ONE CARE Home & Community Support Services.
981 subsidized grocery deliveries & 103 subsidized grocery orders

Resident Well-being
Funds to help support Telephone Reassurance check-in calls through Community Support Services program for at-risk residents. Town of St. Marys.
329 connected made for well-being support

Grocery Gift Cards and Delivery
Funds used to provide grocery gift cards as well as grocery delivery service to clients. VON Canada Perth Huron.
133 care packages, meals and gift cards provided

Care Packages
Funds to provide care packages to ensure food security, personal wellness, cleaning essentials and activity kits. VON Canada Perth Huron.
133 care packages, meals and gift cards provided

Out of the Cold – Heart to Home
In conjunction with the Out of the Cold-Heart to Home program funding will help to provide a safe place for people experiencing homeless to get warm and shower when the alternative shelter is not open.

Hearty Meals
Funding to provide a safe and warm place for individuals experiencing homelessness to come and have a hearty meal.

Social Workers
Community Social Worker to support residents of St. Mary’s relating to relationship and community development in housing environment through counselling, case management, co-ordination and education.

Out of the Cold
Providing breakfast and nutritious, portable foods for the clients of the Out of the Cold program.