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211 connects people in need to services across Perth-Huron

211 Day (February 11, or, 2/11) is a day highlighting the community information service linking people to important local programs and services in a time of need. Twenty-four hours a day, seven-days-a-week, three-hundred-and-sixty-five days a year in over 150 languages.

“Since 2010, 211 Ontario has been helping individuals in Perth-Huron navigate the complex network of human services quickly and easily,” said Director of Community Information for 211 Susan Faber. “It’s an incredibly important resource and we hope that through initiatives such as 211 Day, we can raise more awareness around this resource.”

211 can help in so many ways. Do you have an aging parent who needs help with work around the house, meals or company? Call 211. Are you worried your teenager is depressed or dealing with another mental health issue? Call 211. Are you worried about putting food on your family’s table? Call 211. Can’t pay your Hydro bill and worry your power will be shut off? Call 211. Need legal advice but don’t know how to access it and whether you can afford it? Call 211.

When someone dials 2-1-1, a live, trained 211 Navigator will talk through their challenges and connect the individual with community services that can help. By providing a central source of information, 211 helps people quickly before they reach a crisis point. 211 connects individuals experiencing poverty, homelessness, hunger, mental health issues, social isolation and domestic violence with the right resources.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the value of 211. With government programs changing regularly, and community-based programs and services having to adjust how they serve clients under always evolving public health guidelines, 211 helps people navigate the complex network of support. The pandemic has also put many people in the position of needing support for the first time in their lives.

“Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes and that’s what 211 is here for,” added Faber. “When your call is answered, someone will help guide you with compassion, understanding and a thorough knowledge of local programs and services that can support you. Just pick up a phone and dial 2-1-1.”

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