Heidi Culliton, Rob Edney, Al Strathdee and Leslie Edney

Stratford Perth Community Foundation supports United Way drive for community position in St.Marys

To address social isolation in St. Marys and area, the Town and United Way Perth-Huron collaborated to create the position of Community Developer and Support Worker — starting in the New Year — to support community members, especially those living in and around social housing. Now, the Town and United Way are proud to welcome the support of another strong local organization, the Stratford Perth Community Foundation, to help make the project a reality for local residents.

“We are thrilled to support the Town of St. Marys and United Way Perth-Huron with a grant for this newly created position,” says Heidi Culliton, Executive Director of the Community Foundation. “These local funds are made possible by the St. Marys Smart & Caring Community Fund and our Charitable Response Fund. We recognize there has been an increased need for mental health and wellness resources during these challenging times. More than ever before we need projects like this that help create a sense of belonging in our community.”

“The support from the Community Foundation is a tremendous boost to help make this position a reality,” shared Rob Edney, St. Marys Deputy Mayor and Co-chair of United Way’s St. Marys and Area Community Committee. “This donation is directed specifically to the new position and matching donations are welcome to ensure the position can continue into the future. We are also looking to raise $127,000 by March 31st to support not only this important role, but also our existing 18 programs and services in St. Marys and area, including the Nourish Equal Access Food Market.” 

Between March and October of this year, United Way led meetings with community organizations including Family Services Perth-Huron, Choices for Change and St. Marys Community Living. Family Services Perth-Huron will operate the CDSW program. 

 “The Community Developer and Support Worker will support tenants, work to understand their challenges and connect them with services,” explained United Way Perth-Huron Executive Director Ryan Erb. “The positio will also be responsible for developing stronger community networks and devote time to education around safety, homelessness, poverty and other social issues. Down the road, you can expect community events that build bridges among residents. When we know each other, we care for each other. When everyone feels cared for, they show love and respect in return.”

About Stratford Perth Community Foundation
The Stratford Perth Community Foundation is a registered charitable foundation serving Stratford, St. Marys, and Perth County. Unique because donations are made to endowed funds which are pooled and invested. Investment income is used to make grants to local charities year after year to meet the needs in our communities. As partners in philanthropy for our region we help donors fulfill their charitable goals today with legacies that will last forever. Established in 2004, the Community Foundation’s endowed assets have grown to over $5M and community grants to date exceed $1.5M. For more information about the Stratford Perth Community Foundation please visit www.spccf.ca.

Heidi Culliton, Rob Edney, Al Strathdee and Leslie Edney
From L to R: Heidi Culliton, Rob Edney, Mayor Al Strathdee, Leslie Edney

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