Franklin Famme, Stephanie Famme, Kathryn Ritsma, Martin Ritsma

Stratford Donors Join Leader Match Program

Franklin and Stephanie Famme hope to get other people in Stratford and area to support the community through United Way Perth-Huron. That’s why they’ve chosen to talk about their decision to become Leader Match donors to the 2020-2021 UWPH campaign. Leader Match donors donate $6,000 to inspire five other people to give at the Leadership level of $100 per month.

“We believe in United Way,” said Stephanie Famme, speaking in front of the United Way campaign thermometer in Stratford, where she and Franklin joined Campaign Co-chairs Martin and Kathryn Ritsma to celebrate the annual campaign reaching 30 per cent of its goal. “We’ve given to the campaign before, but this year it seemed more important than ever. Since we cannot travel this year, we decided to take the money we set aside for a family trip and put it back into the community. We hope this contribution will motivate a few more people to give to United Way.”

UWPH is committed to working in Stratford and area to help address local issues. The organization continues to support 23 local partners delivering important services to local residents where they live to achieve a brighter future. Last year, 9,557 local people received help from a UWPH supported partner.

“We’re thankful for Franklin and Stephanie’s generosity,” added United Way Campaign Co-chair Martin Ritsma. “It’s great to have engaged community members like Franklin and Stephanie understand how much United Way is able to do in Stratford and area thanks to their support. We hope others will be inspired by Franklin and Stephanie’s gift and make a difference in the community through United Way.”

Franklin Famme, Stephanie Famme, Kathryn Ritsma, Martin Ritsma
L to R: Franklin Famme, Stephanie Famme, Kathryn Ritsma, Martin Ritsma

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