FIO Automotive Canada continues supporting their community. Understanding that, more than ever, vulnerable people in the community need a helping hand, FIO and its employees responded by raising a record total of $162,029.80 for the United Way Perth-Huron annual campaign.
“We are so grateful to FIO employees and the company for their incredible display of caring,” said United Way Perth-Huron Executive Director Ryan Erb. “The whole team sets a high bar in terms of dollars raised every year and somehow, they manage to keep topping themselves. As an organization, we’re very grateful for the support.”
Engaged workplaces such as FIO helped United Way exceed this year’s campaign goal. Acknowledging the ongoing, additional challenges faced by vulnerable and newly vulnerable people due to the COVID-19 pandemic, United Way is investing donations raised between now and the end of March into the organization’s Urgent Needs Fund, helping individuals and families in a time of crisis with funds for essentials such as rent, groceries and medication.
As with last year, there will be no in-person Spirit of Community event. Instead, United Way will celebrate donors and local communities in a series of short videos, each one premiering at 6 p.m. between March 24 and March 31 on UWPH social media channels. Campaign Co-chairs Martin and Kathryn Ritsma will announce the final campaign total on March 31.
After almost doubling their support of United Way two years ago, and increasing the total another $50,000 last year, FIO’s $162,029.80 donation to the 2020/2021 annual campaign, which includes a corporate matching gift, represents a further increase of over $30,000. This year’s increase in giving was driven by 97 per cent participation among the over 200 new employees FIO hired in recent months.
“Our team members have always been incredibly generous when it comes to the United Way campaign,” said Debbie Colclough, HR Manager and United Way Campaign Administrator at FIO. “The fact that so many of our new employees have picked up the torch and continued this tradition of generosity shows how strong the culture of giving is within FIO.”
“FIO understands how important the well-being of each and every person in our community is,” added FIO President David Martin “That’s why FIO is proud to match employee donations dollar for dollar to help support UWPH’s important local work.”
“We feel lucky to have companies such as FIO supporting United Way,” Campaign Co-chair Martin Ritsma. “Thanks to their generosity, along with the generosity of so many other individuals and workplaces across Perth-Huron, UWPH is able to continue working with almost 50 local supported partners to help the most vulnerable members of our community.”