Picture of FIO Automotive staff

FIO Increases Donations to United Way

FIO staff gathered to celebrate the end of another successful workplace campaign. The employees increased donations in support of United Way Perth-Huron (UWPH) by 62 per cent. FIO’s generosity will help United Way address #UNIGNORABLE local issues like poverty, homelessness and mental health.

“Last year’s donation was impressive, but this year blew us away,” said UWPH Campaign Co-chair Martin Ritsma. “The employees are incredibly generous and FIO has really stepped up by matching what the employees contribute.

“I still tip my hat to Wade, who asked for the match two years ago and it warms my heart that the company took that challenge. These donors are making a difference in our community.”

The employees and company almost doubled their giving last year and increased their giving this year by a further $50,931 for a total of $132,865.48 pledged to the 2019/2020 UWPH campaign, including the company match.

“We are incredibly grateful to FIO team President, David Martin, who worked very hard to get the company to provide matching dollars. Along with each and every employee who gave, they made this a workplace campaign to remember,” added Ritsma. “We’re humbled by the level of generosity and commitment FIO has shown to UWPH and our great communities.”

“We’re proud to continue playing a part in the UWPH campaign,” added FIO President David Martin. “This community has been good to FIO and we want to help ensure even more are able to access important services when and where they need them and have the chance for a brighter future.”

“For the 17 years I have been with FIO, I’ve always been impressed by the generosity of our team members,” added Debbie Colclough, HR Manager and United Way Campaign Administrator. “This team has so much heart and spirit!” 

“We are so thankful for this increase in giving,” said UWPH Board Chair Mike Ash. “Our community partners have asked for additional support next year to do even more and our own direct initiatives in the community will be possible because of generous donations like FIO’s.”

About FIO Automotive Canada
FFIO Automotive logoIO (Futaba Industrial Ontario) was established in 2002 and began production in 2003. Located in Stratford, Ontario, FIO is a subsidiary company for Futaba Industrial, which is located in Aichi Japan. In our nearly 400,000 sq. ft. building, we manufacture stamping and welded assembly processes and are a Tier One supplier to Toyota Motor Manufacturing Company (TMMC). We use technology to build products with the highest quality possible with zero waste and the best possible lowest costs.


Picture of FIO Automotive staff

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