picture of Brittlestar

Brittlestar is coming!

Art of Storytelling poster

Brittlestar aka Stewart Reynolds aka the Internet’s Favourite Dad (unproven) is joining us for a workshop at the Queen’s Inn in Stratford! It’s part of the Keep Educating Yourself (KEYs) non-profit professional development series, sponsored by Libro Credit Union.
With a wealth of experience creating viral videos for companies like KFC, Disney, ESPN, Subway, CBC, Walmart and more, Brittlestar’s session is one to mark on your calendar if you want to learn more about the art of storytelling and up your organization’s social media game!
8:45 am – Doors Open
9:00 am – Breakfast and networking
9:20 am to 11:30 am – Workshop
To learn more about Brittlestar, visit www.brittlestar.com.

$45 per person – Breakfast included.

Where: Queens Inn, Queen Victoria Room , 161 Ontario Street, Stratford, ON, N5A 3H3.

To register for this work shop please call 519-271-7730 or email keys@perthhuron.unitedway.ca.

There are only 45 spots available in this workshop.

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