Building on last week’s announcement by United Way Perth-Huron of St. Paul’s Anglican Church as the location for the Stratford Connection Centre, the program has now opened its’ doors.
The centre offers a warm place out of the cold as well as an opportunity to connect with trained staff and community supports. Over the next two weeks, Connections Stratford is open December 20–23, 12–5 p.m. and December 28–31, 12–3 p.m. Food and hot meals will be available to those in need, observing COVID protocols.
Program staff includes Housing Stability Workers and Peer Outreach Workers. Housing Stability Workers work with participants on housing searches, applications for housing, connections with landlords and move-in readiness. The stability workers can also help people get needed personal documents. Peer Outreach Workers are staff with lived experience of homelessness who rebuilt their lives. They will focus on supporting individuals in Stratford who are currently experiencing homelessness.
With the connection centre now open, UWPH’s focus is on raising funds. For monetary donations, contact United Way by calling 519-271-7730, in-person at UWPH offices at 32 Erie Street or through Please check the UWPH website for holiday office hours. Those wishing to help through offers of food, comfort kits and more can contact Connections Stratford Coordinator Tanya Hefkey by calling (519) 271-6730.