Community Stories

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Community Stories



Joe’s Story

Initially Joe and Arlene started counselling and later, Samantha decided to get help. Like many families, their issues went deeper than a cancer diagnosis; including communication problems between parents and children and unresolved issues between Joe and Arlene. Through several sessions, the family began to heal.

Ultimately, Joe couldn’t beat cancer but before his death he found peace. After Joe’s passing, the rest of the family returned for grief counselling to help ease the pain and loss they felt.



Emma’s Story

Emma signed up for the Crock Pot cooking program to learn nutritional, easy and healthy recipes to feed her family. Emma had recently left an abusive relationship and was feeling like a “bad mom” for not leaving sooner, so she was excited to learn new skills and become a “good mom” again. During the program Emma experienced laughter and connections with other parents, and improved her cooking skills and knowledge. When Emma learned she could keep the crock pot she openly cried. Through the work of United Way Perth-Huron and local targeted programs, moms’ like Emma can gain confidence, learn new skills to help them move to a new stage of life as the sole provider and supporter of their families.



Jessica’s Story

A referral was made by a teacher who expressed concern for a young woman who was regularly truant from school, and about to be evicted from her home due to her mother’s recent incarceration. Jessica had no source of income and was relying on friends and neighbors for food. It was quickly discovered that her biological mother struggled with addiction, others who used would “crash” at their family home, and she often felt unsafe spending most days locked in her room. Through the work of United Way Perth-Huron and extended care, this young person has secured financial assistance from Ontario Works, is living in a supportive room and board arrangement, attends school regularly, has a part-time job, and is volunteering in her community. Recently she had the opportunity to attend a three day youth leadership conference, and is now an active member on Student Council.

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