Basic Income

Basic Income

Basic Income Advocacy

    • A Basic Income is an unconditional cash transfer from government to individuals to enable everyone to meet their basic needs, participate in society and live with dignity, regardless of employment status
    • A Basic Income is an effective way to help eliminate income and wealth inequalities, reduce or eliminate poverty and economic insecurity, improve health for individuals, address gender equality and transform the relationship between people and work

“Those who think a Basic Income would make people lazy and unmotivated are underestimating the power of the human spirit to survive, to fight against all odds and build a good life. I have so many dreams of what I want to do with my life, dreams that have kept my hope alive since I was a very young child. If I just had half a chance, I would conquer every obstacle to get there.” – Heather, a community member with lived experience


Basic Income

Vol1 Ed2 Quarterly Report – Basic Income PDF

Vol1 Ed 2 Booklet Summary – Basic Income PDF

A Basic Income is an unconditional cash transfer from government to individuals to enable everyone to meet their basic needs, participate in society and live with dignity, regardless of employment status.
Around the world, having a Basic Income is becoming recognized as a highly effective way to support important societal goals, including the reduction and elimination of poverty and economic insecurity; the narrowing of extreme income and wealth inequalities; improved health, democratic and economic functioning .

Lived Experience Expert Panel

What Do You Think Would Happen in Your Community if We Had Basic Income in Canada? PDF

A volunteer panel made of Huron County residents who have current or past involvement with social systems in Huron and Perth. The majority of participants said that reducing poverty and increasing income security would be the greatest impact in our community. This includes reducing stigma and increasing community participation.




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