_Test page

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2023-2024 Board of Directors

Keith Masterman
Keith Masterman
Donna Taylor
Donna Taylor
Vice Chair
Susan Moffat
Susan Moffat
Meaghan Ellison
Meaghan Ellison


Tracy Allan-Koester
Tracy Allan-Koester
Henry Boot
Henry Boot
Katherine Browne
Katherine Browne
Ann Cook
Ann Cook
Cyrille Fopoussi
Cyrille Fopoussi
Joyce McGuiney
Joyce McGuiney
Howard Minett
Howard Minett
Reggie Rahul
Reggie Rahul
Nick Skinner
Nick Skinner
Bruce Pitkin
Bruce Pitkin
Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson


    North Perth Distinguished Women 2023 Call for Nominations

    Do you know a woman in our community who has made a difference in the lives of others by her actions….

    The nominee needs to be a resident of North Perth. Some examples of contributions could be education, health and wellness, arts, agriculture, business, community service, or any other field. Consideration will be for these categories.

    Fields with a * are mandatory.

    Please check the box for the nominee*:


    Why not nominate her and tell us in 200 words or less why she deserves to be included in our Women-to-Watch segment of Women United - North Perth?

    Recognition celebration to be held on Saturday, November 4th at the Listowel Ag. Hall 7:30 PM.

    By completing this form, the nominators are not related to the nominee. We would encourage all nominees to be in attendance at this event and we ask that nominators be mindful of this. Nominators will be contacted by October 27 if the nominee is being honoured.


    If you require assistance or have any questions please email landriessen67@gmail.com or jkgreydanus@hotmail.com.

    Confirmation of receiving this form will be sent to the first contact person shown above. Deadline is Tuesday, October 24 at midnight.





    [cf7form cf7key=”untitled”]





      If you would like to register your team – but register the team members on the day of the race – please send this information to jwass@perthhuron.unitedway.ca
      Team captain:
      Team name:
      Contact email:
      Contact phone number:


      Fields with a * are mandatory.



      • Include the names you are paying for and the word 'BED'
      • Send to:

      Credit Card

      • Call 519-271-7730 during business hours;
        Monday to Friday - 8:30am to 5:00pm


      Pay Here

      Things to know

      • This event is intended to build community and have fun while supporting the work of United Way in the St. Marys community.
      • We thank all participating teams for building their own bed/vehicle.
      • Team themes encouraged via costumes and bed décor!
      • Runners please bring your own water bottles.
      • The overall winner of the races.
      • Best theme (bed décor and costumes) chosen by the people.
      • Spirit Award — You may not be the fastest racer, or the best dressed, but your enthusiasm and heart is second to none!

      Questions? Contact Rob and Leslie Edney at rledneyunitedwph@gmail.com or call 226-688-8385


      In consideration for being permitted to participate in the 2022 St. Marys Bed Race (“Bed Race”) organized by United Way Perth-Huron, on September 17th, 2022, in St. Marys, Ontario by my signature below, I agree as follows:


      I recognize, acknowledge and understand there may be certain inherent risks associated with the Bed Race. I voluntarily and knowingly agree to assume all risks involved with the Bed Race and by my signature below, I certify that I am medically able to participate in this activity. I also assume any and all other risks associated with participating in the event, including, but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, spectators or equipment, effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, and the condition of the roads. All such risks are understood by me and I willingly and knowingly assume any and all risks in order to participate in the activity.

      I RELEASE, WAIVE, and DISCHARGE United Way Perth-Huron, its agents, employees, directors, representatives and volunteers, or any other organization or entity assisting with the Bed Race, from any and all liability for damages, injury, death, or losses of all and every description, both foreseen and unforeseen. I further release United Way Perth-Huron, its agents, employees, directors, representatives and volunteers, or any other organization or entity, of and from any and all actions, cause of actions, claims and demands, costs or damages of action, or any nature and kind however caused directly or indirectly arising out of or incurred in connection with the activity. Further, I hereby grant full permission to use any photographs, videotapes, or images or any other record of this event for any purpose whatsoever now and in the future.


      I agree to indemnify and save and hold harmless United Way Perth-Huron, its agents, employees, directors, representatives and volunteers, or any other organization or entity assisting with the Bed Race, from any loss, liability, damage, claims, actions, costs, expenses and demands with respect to any injury, death, loss or damage to my person or property, with respect to injury, death, loss or damage to a third party or to his or her property, however caused, arising out of or in connection with my taking part in the Bed Race. This Agreement shall be binding on me, my heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. I acknowledge having read this document. I have read this Agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I may give up rights by signing it and have signed it freely and voluntarily without any inducement, assurance or guarantee being made to me and intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowable by law.



      • Beds must measure at least three feet by six feet (min), but no more thansix feet by eight feet (max) — handles included. Mattress and pillows optional.
      • Beds must be designed with four functional wheels of any size, making contact with the road surface at all times.
      • NO motors or mechanical assistance are allowed, especially nitrous oxide or rocket systems!


      • Racing teams shall consist of one rider and four runners / pushers (NO alternates for runners allowed).
      • Racers must be 12 years of age or older to participate. All participants under 18 must have a parent/guardian sign the Waiver of Liability.


      • All bed racers MUST sign the Waiver of Liability and acknowledgement of the Bed Race Rules and Regulations before participating in the race.
      • All runners / pushers should wear athletic shoes suitable for street running.
      • NOTE: Your safety is important. Please wear good running shoes. Accidents may occur such as falling on pavement, scrapes, bruises, tripping, collisions, etc. Safety gear to avoid such hazards is recommended.


      • Bed riders must wear a helmet and sit or lie flat on the bed.
      • All runners / pushers must be in control of their bed until it comes to a complete stop, with all pieces intact, to remain qualified.
      • Teams should not interfere or impede the progress of an opposing team. Stay on your own side!
      • Two teams will compete against each other. Your team will get to race two times and be seeded according to your best time. After the timed rounds, it becomes single elimination.

      I AM AGREEING ON BEHALF OF (name of member under 18 years old):



      THANK YOU for raising
      [therm_r] so far!
      Let’s RAISE THE RED together!


      [olimometer_target id=4]

      [olimometer id=4]

      THANK YOU for raising
      [olimometer_progress id=4] so far!


      First Tab

      Tabby ipsum dolor sit amet, kitty sunbathe dolor, feed me.

      Second Tab

      Lay down in your way catnip stuck in a tree, sunbathe kittens.

      Third Tab

      sleep in the sink climb the curtains attack, give me fish.

      Stratford City Hall Community Icon


      Circle 2

      Circle 2 Hover

      Circle 3

      Circle 3 Hover


      Circle 4

      Circle 4 Hover

      Circle 5

      Circle 5 Hover


      This is a black bump box.


      Test of a blue colour bump box.


      Test of a blue 2 colour bump box.


      Test of a blue 3 colour bump box.


      This should be a green bump box. 


      This should be a green 2 bump box.


      This should be a green 3 bump box.


      This should be a grey bump box.


       This is a red bump box.



      This should be a white bump box.




      Yellow widget. It looks more orange to me, but what do I know?


      Yellow 2 widget. It looks more orange to me, but what do I know?


      Yellow 3 widget. It looks more orange to me, but what do I know?


      This is some text.
      This should be a second line.


      This is some H1 text.


      This is more H1 text.

      This should be regular text.


      This is H1 text…

      This is p 1…

      this is p 2…

      Share this: